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Plastic POllution In the AquarIUm

This temporary exhibition is what inspired me to enquire about interviewing Jamie Craggs. Jamie being the curator of the Aquarium played a big part in this exhibition. The concept was to show how plastic pollution has reached all parts of the ocean. Visiting an aquarium is a learning experience but it can also give a false sense of what the ocean is now. The reality is that in all parts of the ocean pieces of micro-plastic can be found. There is a lot of plastic waste and showing this through commonly used household items is what can evoke emotions from the public. The video above shows the jellyfish tank with plastic bags to replicate the jellyfish.


The impact that this had on me is what I wanted the outcome of my visual project to have on the audience. Working at the museum meant that I got to see peoples reactions first hand. The exhibit elicited many questions from the public such as 'does the plastic harm the fish?' Some people even displayed anger towards this possibility. I thought enquiries such as this is what made the exhibit successful. This is what I wanted from my visual project. I wanted people to go away asking questions about Project Coral and how they can play their own part in finding solutions to the problems created by climate change.

More about how this exhibit was processed by the public here:

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